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Report Types


ReportTypes in the Intail App categorizes various types of reports and activities related to customer relationship management and sales tracking. This enumeration helps in organizing and identifying different stages and statuses of leads, customers, and internal user roles.

List Values and Descriptions

Enum ValueDescription
CLOSED_WONRefers to opportunities or leads that have been successfully converted into sales.
CLOSED_LOSTIndicates opportunities or leads that were not converted into sales.
OPEN_OPPRepresents ongoing opportunities that are yet to be closed.
ACTIVE_CUSTOMERDenotes customers who are currently active and engaged.
CHURNED_CUSTOMERUsed to label customers who have ended their relationship or subscription.
CHAMPION_BUYERIdentifies key customers who are significant in promoting or advocating for the business.
ADMINRepresents users with administrative privileges within the system.
POWER_USERIndicates users who are frequent and advanced users of the system.
CLOSED_WON_PRIMARYHighlights champion buyers in closed, successful sales.
CLOSED_LOST_PRIMARYRefers to champion buyers in sales opportunities that did not result in a win.
OPEN_OPP_PRIMARYUsed for ongoing opportunities involving champion buyers.
INBOXPertains to tasks or notifications in the user's inbox.
CALENDARRelates to scheduled events or reminders in the calendar.
OTHERA general category for any other types of reports not specified above.

This table organizes the different ReportTypes within the Intail App, providing a clear overview of their roles in managing and analyzing customer interactions and sales processes.