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Email Status


The EmailStatus enum in the Intail App categorizes the status of email addresses associated with contacts or leads. This classification is crucial for email marketing campaigns, communication strategies, and data quality management.

List Values and Descriptions

Enum ValueDescription
VALIDRepresents email addresses that are verified and active. Ideal for reliable communication.
HIGH_CONFIDENCEIndicates email addresses that are likely to be valid based on certain verification checks, but not fully confirmed.
RISKYEmail addresses marked as risky might be problematic due to various factors like frequent bounces or low engagement.
INVALIDRepresents email addresses that are invalid, non-existent, or have been marked as undeliverable.
UNKNOWNThis status is used for email addresses whose validity couldn't be determined or hasn't been checked.

Understanding these categories helps users of the Intail App to gauge the reliability of email communication with their contacts and leads, enabling more effective and targeted outreach.