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Hubspot's Hubspot integration streamlines your CRM processes using OAuth 2.0. This guide outlines the connection process, the scopes required, and the two distinct connection options available.

Connection Process with OAuth 2.0

  1. OAuth 2.0 Authentication: The integration uses OAuth 2.0, ensuring secure and reliable connectivity between and Hubspot.
  2. Authorization: When connecting, you will be prompted to authorize to access your Hubspot data.
  3. Token Exchange: After authorization, OAuth tokens are exchanged, allowing to interact with your Hubspot data.

OAuth Scopes and Their Purposes

The following scopes are requested by for Hubspot integration:

  • Allows read access to deal schemas.
  • crm.import: Enables the import of CRM data.
  • oauth: Needed for OAuth authentication processes.
  • Permits reading owner details within CRM.
  • integration-sync: Essential for syncing data between and HubSpot.
  • crm.export: Allows the export of CRM data.
  • tickets: Access to ticketing information.
  • crm.objects.contacts.write: Allows writing data to contact records.
  • Read access to custom schemas in the CRM.
  • Read access to custom CRM objects.
  • sales-email-read: Enables reading sales email data.
  • crm.objects.custom.write: Allows writing data to custom CRM objects.
  • crm.objects.companies.write: Permits writing data to company records.
  • crm.lists.write: Allows manipulation of lists.
  • Enables reading company data.
  • Permits reading list data.
  • Access to deal information.
  • Read access to contact schemas.
  • Enables reading contact data.
  • Read access to company schemas.

Connection Options

There are two ways to connect with Hubspot:

  1. User Connection:
    • Connect using a Hubspot admin user.
    • All operations will be executed on behalf of this user.
    • Suitable for smaller organizations or testing environments.

Choose the method that best suits your organization's needs and compliance requirements.

Data Fetching and Field Creation in Hubspot fetches data and interacts with Hubspot by following a specific process, which involves the creation of reports in Hubspot and assigning predefined segments in the Intail app.

Creating Reports in Hubspot and Integration with Intail

  1. Hubspot List Creation:

    • Users must create a report within Hubspot and note down its ID.
  2. Report Integration with Intail:

    • Use the Hubspot List ID to create a corresponding report in the Intail app.
    • Assign one of the predefined segments from Intail's list to this report.

Data Synchronization Process

  • Automatic Fetching:
    • starts fetching contacts from the Hubspot report into its system.
    • The fetch is triggered automatically whenever new contacts meet the criteria of the created report.

Data Processing and Actions

  1. Updating Contact Fields:
    • Intail runs the fetched contacts through its system.
    • It updates various fields in Hubspot based on the data processed.

This integration and data processing setup ensures that Hubspot is always up-to-date with the latest contact information and potential leads, optimizing the CRM's effectiveness for sales and marketing efforts.

Custom Hubspot Fields Created by

Important Note strictly creates only the following specified fields in Hubspot. No other fields are altered or added to ensure the integrity and security of your Hubspot data.

Custom Fields for Contacts

Field NameLabelTypeField TypeDescriptionAdditional Info
LEFT_THE_COMPANYIntail Left The CompanyboolBoolean CheckboxIndicates whether the contact has left their previous companyOptions: Yes/No
PROMOTEDIntail PromotedboolBoolean CheckboxIndicates whether the contact was promoted from their previous roleOptions: Yes/No
LINKEDIN_PROFILEIntail Linkedin ProfilestringTextLinkedIn profile URL of the contact-
COUNTRY_CODEIntail Contact Country CodeenumerationSelectCountry code of the contactOptions from CountryCodeType
COUNTRYIntail Contact CountryenumerationSelectCountry of the contactOptions from CRMCountry
CITYIntail Contact CitystringTextCity of the contact-
EMAIL_STATUSIntail Email StatusenumerationSelectStatus of the contact's emailOptions from EmailStatus
LAST_MODIFIED_DATEIntail Last Modified DatedatetimeDateThe date when the contact was last modified-
ORIGINAL_CONTACT_IDIntail Original HS Contact IdnumberNumberOriginal HubSpot Contact ID-
ROLEIntail Contact TitlestringTextJob title of the contact-
SUGGESTED_OWNER_IDIntail Suggested Owner IdnumberNumberSuggested owner ID for the contact-
SOURCEIntail SourcestringTextSource from where the lead was generated-
INTERNAL_CONTACT_IDIntail Internal Contact IdstringTextInternal identifier for the contact-
EXPORT_IDIntail Export List IdstringTextExport list identifier-

Custom Fields for Leads

Important Note

Leads is a term used by to refer to contacts in Hubspot. It creates a Contact object with lifecycle stage as Lead in Hubspot.

Field NameLabelTypeField TypeDescriptionAdditional Info
COMPANY_NAMEIntail Company NamestringTextName of the company-
COMPANY_LINKEDIN_PROFILEIntail Linkedin ProfilestringTextLinkedIn profile URL of the company-
COMPANY_DOMAINIntail Company Website URLstringTextWebsite URL of the company-
COMPANY_SIZEIntail Company SizeenumerationSelectSize of the company, expressed in a range (e.g., MIN-MAX)Options from CompanySizeRangeType
COMPANY_COUNTRYIntail HQ CountryenumerationSelectCountry where the company headquarters is locatedOptions from CRMCountry
COMPANY_COUNTRY_CODEIntail Company Country CodeenumerationSelectCountry code of the company headquartersOptions from CountryCodeType
COMPANY_CONTINENTIntail HQ ContinentstringTextContinent where the company headquarters is located-
COMPANY_CITYIntail HQ CitystringTextCity where the company headquarters is located-
COMPANY_REGIONIntail HQ RegionstringTextRegion where the company headquarters is located-
COMPANY_STREETIntail HQ StreetstringTextStreet address of the company headquarters-
COMPANY_ZIPHQ zipstringTextZIP code of the company headquarters-
COMPANY_FACEBOOK_PROFILEIntail Facebook Company ProfilestringTextFacebook profile URL of the company-
COMPANY_TWITTER_PROFILEIntail Twitter Company ProfilestringTextTwitter profile URL of the company-
COMPANY_DESCRIPTIONIntail Company DescriptionstringTextareaDescription of the company-
COMPANY_INDUSTRYIntail Company IndustrystringTextIndustry in which the company operates-
LAST_MODIFIED_DATEIntail Last Modified DatedatetimeDateThe date when the company information was last modified-
REPORT_TYPEIntail Report TypeenumerationSelectType of report related to the companyOptions from ReportTypesEnum
REPORT_NAMEIntail Report NamestringTextName of the report related to the company-
SOURCE_USERIntail Source UserstringTextUser who is the source of the company data-
WORKFLOW_NAMEIntail Workflow NamestringTextThe workflow name that triggered the lead creation-
PREVIOUS_COMPANY_NAMEIntail Previous Company NamestringTextThe previous company name-
PREVIOUS_COMPANY_DOMAINIntail Previous Company DomainstringTextThe previous company domain-
PREVIOUS_EMAILIntail Previous EmailstringTextThe previous email of the contact-

These tables list all custom fields created by for HubSpot contacts and companies, providing detailed descriptions and additional information where applicable.

These custom fields enable to effectively sync and update relevant data in Hubspot, optimizing CRM efficiency and data accuracy.